Inertial Labs, Inc. releases new model of Attitude and Heading Reference System, AHRS-II-P with extra feature to support data input from external single or dual antenna GNSS receiver
Paeonian Springs, VA – March 15, 2019 – Inertial Labs Inc., developer and supplier of high performance inertial sensors and solutions, released a new version of its AHRS-II-P model on March 15, 2019, adding another valuable feature to its stack. The feature adds the ability to blend in data from an external single or dual antenna GNSS receiver. Besides the fact that operating with additional input from GNSS may increase dynamic accuracy and orientation calculation while maneuvering – the new version of AHRS-II-P with input from GNSS is capable to measure and output: Horizontal and Vertical Positions; Velocity; Heading, Attitude and IMU data. AHRS-II-P also can get aiding data such as external Stand Alone Magnetic Compass, GNSS on-ground tracking, Doppler Velocity Log or Doppler shift from locator data.
Since their first release in 2006, Inertial Labs Inc’s AHRS products, with an embedded Tactical Grade Inertial Measurement Unit from Inertial Labs Inc., have become widely used in many applications and have shown outstanding reliability and accuracy in challenging conditions such as high vibration, extreme temperatures, and tough mission profiles.

The Inertial Measurement Unit component of the system is a tactical grade IMU developed by Inertial Labs, which is proven to be a perfect fit for tactical guidance, navigation, flight control, stabilization, pointing systems and other applications. With Angular Rates and Accelerations data transfer rate reaching up to 2000 Hz rate, the low power consuming IMU provides an excellent SWAP-C advantage over legacy IMUs based off tactical grade fiber-optic gyros (FOG)..
AHRS-II-P employs an 8mm Fluxgate gyro-compensated Magnetic Compass which has distinct advantage over commonly used magneto-inductive or magneto-resistive magnetometers. Taking in data from an external GNSS receiver, AHRS-II-P is able to update the magnetic declination value automatically. With 0.2 nT Bias in-run stability and 0.3 nT√Hz Noise density, the fluxgate gyro-compensated magnetic compass of AHRS-II-P has excellent stability and repeatability.
With sophisticated internal calibration algorithms, the AHRS-II-P doesn’t require any additional equipment for field calibration. A quick calibration procedure is followed once the AHRS-II-P is mounted onto a moving base. It even allows for calibrating the unit during its ordinary operation with no interruption of on-going orientation calculation and output.
Overall the device exceeds price-to-quality expectations for its proven performance in numerous conditions, easiness to integrate and relatively affordable cost. It is the choice of a number of integrators from multiple areas of applications. With a GNSS receiver added to a solution, AHRS-II-P is capable of producing GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System like performance but for about half the cost.
Established in 2001, Inertial Labs is a leader in position and orientation technologies for both commercial/industrial and aerospace/defense applications. With a worldwide distributor and representative network covering 20+ countries across 6 continents, and a standard product line that spans from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) up to GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) with application breadth on Land, Air, and Sea; Inertial Labs covers the gambit of inertial technologies.
For further information and specifications on the Inertial Labs IMU-P or MRU, AHRS and GPS-Aided INS, please call +1-703-880-4222, e-mail or visit us on the Web:
For more information:
Anton Barabashov
Sales Engineer
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